Don't let your videos deteriorate any further. We convert the following formats to mp4 including:
We can repair completely torn VHS Tapes.
There are three easy ways to work with us:
1. Home Collections - We will come to your home and pick up your photos and videos. There is no charge for this service if you are within 20km of Gaborone and your order is over P1,000. Please click here to sign up for Home Collections.
2. Drop off at Sprint Couriers - You can drop off your photos and videos at the Sprint Couriers office nearest you, within Botswana. We will pay the courier fee to Sprint Couriers Head Office in Gaborone.​ We will pay the courier fee to Sprint Couriers to ship your collection to our Head Office in Gaborone.
3. Drop off at our Head Office in Gaborone - You can drop off your photos and videos at our Head Office in Gaborone
Pricing For Video Conversion
P180 per Video Tape or DVD
plus the cost of media that you keep
P200 for the repair of a torn Video Tape