Photo Scanning FAQs
1. In what format will I receive my digital photos after being scanned?
When digitizing photos, our default photo scans are jpeg files. Scans of loose prints or bound items like photo albums are scanned at 600 dpi.
2. How will my digitized photos look when i share them online?
We digitize photos at 600 dpi high resolution using the best scanners and overall technology. They will look very good online and on social media.
3. How do you best recommend I store my digitized photos?
In the initial quotation we will include the cost of an external hard drive separate from the cost of our services. This is referred to as the media that you keep. Smaller projects may only require a USB drive.
Also you may choose to back-up your photos on an in-the cloud service. We will give you your options for that in our initial quotation.