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Digital Photo Organizing

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Why do I need Memoriestodigital?


The advent of  digital photos and videos on our phones has led us to possess an overwhelming volume of images and videos.


Technology has been developed to enjoy, preserve, search, and share all your photos and videos easily.


Memoriestodigital is the link between all your photos and videos and the ability to enjoy, preserve, search, and share these memories in an easy way. 


Our digital photo organizing service creates a custom photo and video library for you that is:


Consolidated - We pull together photos and videos from your printed photos, multiple devices, photo sites, and hard drives (your collection) into one location.


Searchable - We create your new custom photo and video library so that you can Google your own photos and videos using search words.


Clutter-Free - We de-duplicate and de-clutter, removing what you don’t need and freeing up storage space according to your preferences.


Organized - We organize your photos and videos into file folders by year (chronologically) or by theme (thematically) or a mix of both (chronothematic).


Secured - We can backup your new photo and video library on an external hard drive and upload to a cloud service according to your preferences. 


TrainingAs part of our service we can provide training to you or your staff as requested.


We work with PC or MAC, Android or Iphone.


Pricing Options: 


Larger Jobs - Pricing per device – P 5,000 for 3 devices - 

For more than 7 devices enquire

  • Consolidate from all your devices

  • Deduplicate all your photos and videos

  • Chronological or thematic foldering

  • Declutter, highlights, favorites


Smaller Jobs - Pricing is P2,000 – minimum 4 hours.


  • Normally less than three devices

  • After 4 hours we can normally give a fixed price to complete the work

  • Consolidate from all your devices

  • De-duplicate all your photos and videos

  • Chronological foldering

  • De-clutter, highlights, favorites

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